Nadia HattaNadia Hatta有著感染人心的笑聲、對生命的熱愛、以及激勵眾人的表演,並在北美、歐洲以及亞洲都留下她的足跡。擁有紐約大學演戲學士學位,和一顆堅定的心,她多彩多姿的道路將讓她展翅高飛。

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

You are What you EAT!

Dear Friends, I came across this video and I wanted to share it with you because a lot of times what we put in our body, we really have no idea. There is a reason for my vegetarian. I refuse to eat this type of violence and live with the karma. As a public figure, I am standing up against this cruelty.

If we are what we eat, and we are eating violence and cruelty. Then we will become violence and cruelty. To ourselves and to each other. That is not the formula for a more peaceful world where this is only abundance and happiness.

If you are a dog or cat or any pet owner and still succumb to this craze, then the only word for that is: hypocrisy.

More on this later. Please watch this video before you eat the next chicken. At least KNOW what you put in your body.

With Love, Peace and Truth,
Nadia Hatta


Anonymous said...

hi nad! was just bored on fb and from there i saw your youtubes and now this blog. anyway, just wanna say good job and congratulations.

i'm also glad to know there's another fellow vegetarian out there. i usually get the "blah blah blah, why do you have to be vegetarian" shit from friends whenever we go out to eat... haha we should have our own veggie-feast next time.

anyway, i'm gonna add your blog to my blogspot :) cheers xx

Anonymous said...

oh... forgot my username doesn't show my name. this is hosanna by the way.