Nadia HattaNadia Hatta有著感染人心的笑聲、對生命的熱愛、以及激勵眾人的表演,並在北美、歐洲以及亞洲都留下她的足跡。擁有紐約大學演戲學士學位,和一顆堅定的心,她多彩多姿的道路將讓她展翅高飛。

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Nadia Hatta's 2nd Week In Canada: Hello, Taiwan!

Hey everybody back in Taiwan and everywhere else! Since I can't keep in touch with everyone all the time and can't take constant photos, you get to see the scenic view and I get to do a quick video update!
This video is produced by Love, Nadia Productions.

Love, Nadia